Firstly, a welcome to anyone visiting this site for the first time. We’re still working on it, but please feel free to let us know if there is anything you’d like to see on here, and we’ll try and get it added.

It’s amazing what a couple of days in the library can achieve; from the ‘eeeeeek’ feeling I had at the start of the week, I’ve now progressed to feeling a bit more confident that we’re going to be OK. Well, OK with the planning, the actual ride itself is a different matter!

On the “Route” tab, Marco has added a list of towns that are either on our route, or close to it. Please let us know if you know anyone in these places that would be willing to help three tired bikers out with a warm shower or a place to crash for the night. We can’t give an exact schedule at the moment as none of us knows how far we will be able to ride each day. Any help at all will be hugely appreciated.

The facebook group is also now up and running. If you’re not already a member, join up here

Thanks for visiting the site and supporting us on this epic adventure. Check back for more updates soon.